Monday, 14 November 2011

CIMB bank view 4 months transactions instead of 60 days

CIMB online banking has a limit on the transaction history, which allows you to view a maximum of 60 days of transactions history. Sometimes you wanted to view more than that, although you can't do it from here, but there's another way that allows you to view more than 60 days of transactions history - using the Calendar view.

It allows you to view up to 4 months of transactions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Under the "Manage my accounts", click "View Clicks Transactions"
  2. Click on "Calendar view"
  3. Then you can click on "Previous" to go to previous month, up to 4 months (including current month)
  4. Click on the "See details" to open the transactions details

The above is the answer of these two questions:
  1. CIMB online banking view 4 months transactions history
  2. CIMB online banking view more than 60 days transactions history

AirAsia Gatwick Terminal - South

UPDATE [01/04/2012]: Air Asia no longer fly to London


Since the move of AirAsia from London Stansted airport to London Gatwick, one of the common question is which London Gatwick terminal does AirAsia stop? It was the Gatwick South Terminal.

Here's the picture of the AirAsia Gatwick terminal.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

London protest for student fees 09/11/2011 (9 November 2011)

Recorded this protest this afternoon when going out for lunch from office.
Another peaceful protest, no violence, yet.